Driftio Ultrasonic Smart Pipe Flow Monitor

  • Description: A non-invasive, industrial black box fitment device with onboard TOF sensing paired to a proprietary firmware stack to detect AI-driven pipe flow and pressure head concerns. Developed for the intention of oil and gas line use.
  • Scope:3D CAD (SolidWorks), FEA (SolidWorks FEA, ANSYS), Electronics Development (Altium), Rendering (PhotoView 360), BOM, Injection Molding, PLC Programming, Mechatronics, Research & Development, Testing/SOPs/QA
  • Big Result: Our concept placed 1stplace at the 2019 Husky Startup Challenge, and we received $2,500 in grant funding to put toward our pre-seed MVP. Generate, Northeastern University’s in-house engineering consulting firm, onboarded us as a client free of charge.
  • Completed For: Fluxxio, Inc. – My first entrepreneurial product venture, a C corporation which is now dissolved
  • Completion Period: Jan 2019 – Jun 2021
  • Fulfillment Method: Entrepreneurial venture in college with one partner, Northeastern University Entrepreneurs Club / Husky Startup Challenge
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